Do your closets need purging? Has your kitchen become cluttered yet again? Are there piles of bills and paperwork invading numerous spaces throughout your home?? Years of accumulated items have most likely created overstuffed spaces and the task of decluttering and organizing can be overwhelming. Don't worry.....I can help! As your Personal Home Organizer, I will help you declutter, downsize and simplify your home! Less clutter equals less stress and more happiness! Who doesn't want less stress and more happiness? The benefits of a functionally organized home are endless! Imagine the calmness you'll feel walking through your home where there are no "to-do" piles laying around. Imagine getting dressed in the morning, not having to sort through endless piles of clothes just to find the perfect outfit. Imagine your kitchen with open counter space, a pantry that you'd be proud to show off and a home without the eyesore of miscellaneous papers/bills cluttering random spaces! Let's turn that imagination into reality! I will provide you with personalized service to help simplify your daily life by restoring function to your home, while also teaching you the importance of not letting the things in your home control you. I invite you to browse through the pages of my website to learn more about my services and the process of becoming organized and simplified.
My name is Janice Van Cleaf and I am a Home Organizer / Declutterer! Functional Living came to life as the result of my organizational skills, combined with my passion to create functional and clutter-free homes for as many individuals as humanly possible! Before my Home Organizing career, I worked in the medical field as a Surgical Tech. It was a very exciting career, but I was continually being pulled to do something else. That "something else" was to do what I do best....ORGANIZE and teach people the joy of living a life with less clutter! So, I said "goodbye" to the medical field and pursued a new career as a Home Organizer. I am extremely grateful and blessed to be part of a profession that allows me to utilize my God-given talent to make a difference in people’s lives. I'm doing what I love and love what I'm doing! My mission and primary goal as a Home Organizer is to help people, from all walks of life, conquer their organizational dilemmas. I do this with an open mind and an open heart! I have empathy and care for the attachments you may have with your things but am able to help you look at it through different eyes. I can help reverse the cycle of chaotic clutter, which can breed a stressful living environment and replace it with an environment of calmness and joy. A calm mind turns into a happy heart. A happy heart makes a joyful home!
Janice Van Cleaf
Home Organizer & Declutterer
1 Timothy 6:6-8
"Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it."